Student Services

Health Office

The Health Offices of The Albany Academies provide care for illnesses or injuries that develop during the school day.  We also partner with the student and the family in the management of chronic issues, such as, diabetes, asthma and allergies. Please take a moment to review the Health Office Policies and Procedures. 

In order for us to provide the best care for your child please provide us, with a physical examination done yearly for students in grades 7-12 and as per New York state requirements for preschool-grade 6, a complete immunization record and a completed online vital health record. For new students, these records should be submitted by the first day of school or the first day of preseason for those participating in a JV or Varsity Fall sport.  For new international students, the physical examination must be done by a healthcare provider, (MD, PA, NP) licensed to practice in New York State and all immunizations should be completed as per New York State requirements for school attendance.  

Students are not allowed to participate in a sport until a current physical is on file in the health office.  You will receive an email if your student's physical will expire prior to the start of a sports season.

If, at any time, you have a health question or concern, please contact your campus nurse.

Thank you,
Angela Sears, RN, Lead School Nurse
Amy McClain, RN, School Nurse & Homestay Coordinator

Upper School Campus

Lower And Middle School Campus

Schellenberger Alumni/ae Center